Jumat, 09 Oktober 2015


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Awalnya aku merasa begitu, bodoh, tolol, dll karena kenapa teman-temanku semua pada kuliyah aku belom mendapatkannya. SNMPTN ditolak, SPAN PTKAIN ketrima gak aku ambil dikarnakan jauh. SBMPTN di tolak Mandiri UMM mulai dari gelombang 2 sampai gelombang 3 ditolak. Sumpah di situlah aku merasakan tekanan batin yang luar biasa. Di luar aku mencoba menyembunyikan rasa tidak berdayaku, tapi dalam hati sumpah ancur lebur ini batin, tapi aku bangga mempunyai orang tua seperti abi dan umi, mereka selalu mendukungku walau aku tahu mereka juga merasa kecewa kepadaku.

Setiap aku membuka Grub BBM aku selalu merasa diriku ini tolol, karena di group iu teman-teman membahas tentang kuliyah mereka, tempat kos.an meraka, sedang kan aku, apa yang bisa aku ceritakan???Bukan maksudku aku tidak senang melihat teman-temanku sudah mendapat tempat kuliyah, tapi hanya naluriku saja yang selalu beranggapan bahwa aku ini tolol banget di bandingkan teman-temanku yang sudah mendapatkan tempat kuliyah.

Umiku selalu menyuruhku untuk mengambil ijazah, tapi berbagai alasan aku lontarkan, nanti lah, besok aja lah, hingga akhirnya abiku bilang ayo abi anterin, di situlah tanpa sengaja aku mengucapkan aku bukannya tidak mau mengambil ijazah tapi aku malu apa yang harus aku jawab ketika nanti di tanya oleh guruku, IID kuliyah diman??? seketika itu pula air mataku keluar begitu deras. Umi memelukku smbil berkata bukan kamu aja nak yang gagal masuk di perguruan tinggi sekarang masih banyak di luar sana yang gagal sepertimu. Ijazah itu penting nanti kalu di tanya sama guru ya di jawab apa adanya, malah sekalian minta doa dari guru-guru biyar di permuda mendaptkan unuversitas yang di inginkan.

Aku bersyukur sekali memiliki orang tua seperti ereka. Terimakasih ya allah kau telah mengirimkan orang tua yang begitu luar biasa kepadaku


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Leukimia berasal dari bahasa Yunani yang berarti darah putih. Leukemia adalah suatu jenis kanker yang dimulai dari sel darah putih. Dalam keadaan normal, sel darah putih, berfungsi sebagai pertahanan tubuh, akan terus membelah dalam suatu kontrol yang teratur. Pada penderita leukemia, terjadi pembentukkan sel darah putih abnormal (sel leukemia) yang berbeda dan tidak berfungsi seperti sel darah putih normal.
Pada penderita leukemia, sumsum tulang memproduksi sel darah putih yang tidak normal yang disebut sel leukemia. Sel leukemia yang terdapat dalam sumsum tulang akan terus membelah dan semakin mendesak sel normal, sehingga produksi sel darah normal akan mengalami penurunan.

Leukimia digolongkan menurut cepatnya penyakit ini berkembang dan memburuk, yaitu:
  • Leukemia akut (acute leukemia): Sel darah sangat tidak normal, tidak dapat berfungsi seperti sel normal, dan jumlahnya meningkat secara cepat. Kondisi penderita dengan leukemia jenis ini memburuk dengan cepat.
  • Leukemia kronik (chronic leukemia): Pada awalnya sel darah yang abnormal masih dapat berfungsi, dan orang dengan leukemia jenis ini mungkin tidak menunjukkan gejala. Perlahan-lahan, leukemia kronik memburuk dan mulai menunjukkan gejala ketika sel leukemia bertambah banyak dan produksi sel normal berkurang.
Leukimia juga digolongkan menurut tipe sel darah putih yang terkena. Maksudnya, leukemia dapat muncul dari sel limfoid (disebut leukemia limfositik) atau mieloid (disebut leukemia mieloid). Secara keseluruhan, leukemia terbagi menjadi :
  • Leukemia limfositik kronik(chronic lymphocytic leukemia) : terutama mengenai orang berusia >55 tahun, dan jarang sekali mengenai anak-anak.
  • Leukemia mieloid kronik (chronic myelogenous leukemia): terutama mengenai orang dewasa.
  • Leukemia limfositik akut (acute lymphocytic leukemia) : terutama mengenai anak-anak, namun dapat juga mengenai dewasa. Leukemia jenis ini merupakan jenis leukemia terbanyak pada anak (sekitar 75 – 80 % leukemia pada anak)
  • Leukemia mieloid akut (acute myelogenous leukemia): Dapat mengenai anak maupun orang dewasa. Merupakan 20 % leukemia pada anak.
  • Leukemia jenis lainnya : hairy cell leukemia, merupakan suatu jenis leukemia kronik yang jarang ditemukan.
Gejala dan Tanda
Gejala penderita leukemia bevariasi tergantung dari jumlah sel abnormal dan tempat berkumpulnya sel abnormal tersebut. Gejala umum pasien leukemia yaitu :
  • Demam atau keringat malam
  • Sering mengalami infeksi
  • Merasa lemah atau capai
  • Pucat
  • Sakit kepala
  • Mudah berdarah atau memar.Misalnya gusi mudah berdarah saat sikat gigi, muda memar saat terbentur ringan)
  • Nyeri pada tulang dan/atau sendi
  • Pembengkakan atau rasa tidak nyaman di perut, akibat pembesaran limpa
  • Pembesaran kelenjar getah bening, terutama di leher dan ketiak
  • Penurunan berat badan
Pada stadium dini leukemia kronik, sel leukemia dapat berfungsi hampir seperti sel normal. Mungkin tidak ada gejala yang dirasakan selama beberapa waktu. Diagnosis pada tahap ini mungkin ditentukan saat pemeriksaan check up rutin. Jika muncul gejala, umumnya ringan dan perlahan-lahan semakin memberat.
Pada leukemia akut gejala akan timbul dan memberat secara cepat. Gejala leukemia akut lainnya yaitu muntah, penurunan konsentrasi, kehilangan kendali otot, dan kejang. Sel leukemia juga dapat berkumpul di buah zakar dan menyebabkan pembengkakan.

Penyebab dan Faktor Risiko Leukemia
Penyebab leukimia masih belum diketahui secara pasti hingga kini. Namun, menurut hasil penelitian, orang dengan faktor risiko tertentu lebih meningkatkan risiko timbulnya penyakit leukemia.

Faktor risiko tersebut adalah :
  • Radiasi dosis tinggi : Radiasi dengan dosis sangat tinggi, seperti waktu bom atom di Jepang pada masa perang dunia ke-2 menyebabkan peningkatan insiden penyakit ini. Terapi medis yang menggunakan radiasi juga merupakan sumber radiasi dosis tinggi. Sedangkan radiasi untuk diagnostik (misalnya rontgen), dosisnya jauh lebih rendah dan tidak berhubungan dengan peningkatan kejadian leukemia.
  • Pajanan terhadap zat kimia tertentu : benzene, formaldehida
  • Kemoterapi : Pasien kanker jenis lain yang mendapat kemoterapi tertentu dapat menderita leukimia di kemudian hari. Misalnya kemoterapi jenis alkylating agents. Namun pemberian kemoterapi jenis tersebut tetap boleh diberikan dengan pertimbangan rasio manfaat-risikonya.
  • Sindrom Down : Sindrom Down dan berbagai kelainan genetik lainnya yang disebabkan oleh kelainan kromosom dapat meningkatkan risiko kanker.
  • Human T-Cell Leukemia Virus-1(HTLV-1). Virus tersebut menyebabkan leukemia T-cell yang jarang ditemukan. Jenis virus lainnya yang dapat menimbulkan leukemia adalah retrovirus dan virus leukemia feline.
  • Sindroma mielodisplastik : sindroma mielodisplastik adalah suatu kelainan pembentukkan sel darah yang ditandai berkurangnya kepadatan sel (hiposelularitas) pada sumsum tulang. Penyakit ini sering didefinisikan sebagai pre-leukemia. Orang dengan kelainan ini berisiko tinggi untuk berkembang menjadi leukemia.
  • Merokok

Obat Leukemia yang Ampuh

Secara medis, langkah pengobatan leukemia yaitu dengan menggunakan kemoterapi. Kadang juga dilakukan dengan cara radiasi. Tapi umumnya kemoterapi lebih sering dipilih dibandingkan radiasi (penyinaran) untuk mengobati leukemia. Upaya medis lainnya untuk mengobati leukemia yaitu dengan melakukan transplantasi sumsum tulang.
Akan tetapi, pengobatan leukemia menggunakan kemoterapi, radiasi, atau transplatasi jelas tidak murah. Pengobatan ini membutuhkan biaya yang sangat besar. Selain itu juga sangat mungkin terjadi efek samping dari pengobatan tersebut terhadap tubuh pasien.
Yang perlu dicoba untuk mengobati leukemia adalah menggunakan obat alternatif. Untuk memilih obat alternatif terbaik sebaiknya yang berasal dari bahan alami (herbal). Sebab obat herbal sarat akan kandungan-kandungan alami yang sangat berkhasiat, di samping tidak menimbulkan efek samping seperti obat dari bahan kimia.
Herbal anti-kanker yang patut Anda coba, Sarang semut , mengandung segudang mineral penting yang dapat membantu Anda memerangi kanker yang bersarang dalam tubuh. Dengan kandungan aktif yang dimilikinya, Sarang semut dapat menumpas kanker dalam waktu beberapa bulan saja! Tentu saja didukung dengan pola hidup dan pola makan yang sehat.
Yang juga penting adalah motivasi dari dalam diri penderita. Penderita leukemia harus yakin bahwa sakit yang dideritanya ini pasti sembuh sebab dengan begitu penderita akan terus berupaya menyembuhkan sakitnya itu dan tidak akan pernah menyerah untuk mengalahkan leukemia.

Daftar Pustaka



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                One day there was a family who had 2 daughters. Her name is Iid and Karina. Their age difference is only 2 years old. Now Iid in grade 3 SMA and Karina sitting in class 1 high school. Those schools in the same school.
                IID and Karina have different habits. Karina love to learn, he was very happy to read the book. School lesson who have mastered is English. In addition she was also very pleased with the exact lesson. Various achievements have been much she achieved, ranging from district level competition, regency, provincial, and even next year she was one of five children in Indonesia to be sent to America to attend Math Olympiad representing Indonesia. Her parents are very proud of the achievements of Karina.
                Unlike Iid. Learning is the best activity she did not like. Moreover, the exact lesson. She prefers to collect novel and read it. Someday she had aspirations to be a famous writer. But unfortunately, her mother does not like the hobby and aspirations who dreamed of Iid. The mother wanted to be like her sister  can achieve a variety of proud achievement.
                One day while she was busy reading a novel, the mother suddenly approached.
Ibu                 :"Iid ...!!!! Your work is always read novels ...!! This novel will not make you smarter, but it will only make you stupid. you should soon learn ...!! (throwing the novel in her hand). "
Iid                   :"What do you mean mom ..?!?! This is my novel. And I have a right to read it. Anyway tomorrow is a holiday. So what's my fault if I read the novel?? "
Ibu                 :"Iid ...!!! You had dared to stand up to mom ..?? remember ..!holiday not to be a reason for you not to learn. "
Iid                   :”Mom ... if I can keep learning ... broke my head ... "
Ibu                 :"Stop .... do not be looking for a reason ..! imitate your sister ...!!!! Although the holiday, she was still learning. and the result of it all, every year she was always been a star of class. "
Iid                   :"Mom .. You always equate me with Karina ..! Karina is Krina ..! I am is me ..!Iid and Karina was different ..!!! "
Ibu                 :”What the difference between you and karina ..?? huh ..??
Iid                   :”Different mom .... "
Ibu             :”Do you think by collecting and reading the novel you can achieve such accomplishments achieved by your sister???? Huh ...?
Karina came over…..
Karina        :”Mom…!!enough ..already ..do not have to be continued .. (Facing the mother) enough sist ..(Calming Iid)
Iid                   :“Why are you interfering with my problem…!! Oh ... you want to laugh at me…right..?? Congratulations karina ..You’ve successfully become child mothers pride.. "
Karina           :”Sist ... Karina's never intended as such. Sist..please do not misunderstand me…"
Iid                   :”Argh ... Let me ..! "(Iid into the room and slammed the door)
Father coming out of the bathroom and saw her daughter slammed the door confused.
Karina           :”Mom….”
Mother        :”Hmmm .... Come let your sister are lazy ... "
Father           :”Why else does the Iid dear..?"
Mother        :”Iid dad, very hard to be know .. "
Father           :”So what else's dear…?”
Mother        :”Iid.. You know dad, she always read novels..!!”
Father           :”Let it go .. Anyway tomorrow is a holiday, so let her take it easy. "
Mother        :”But dad, she was a test soon, he can not laze around ..."
Father           :”That's dear ... Come on ... let her calm her mind a moment to prepare for exams. Anyway she's been great. I'm sure that she can manage her time well. "
Mother        :”Daddy always defended the slacker child..come on, mom would cook. Karina you help mom ya ..! "
Karina           :”Yes mom..”
Ayah              :”Astaghfirullah…”
                Such an event not only occasionally, but many times. In the  roomIid crying and lamenting of event that has just happened with her ​​mother. She opened her diary’s book, and write down all the feelings in the book. Until one day, he was thinking of writing a book about her life.
The next day ... at school ..
                Because of what happened yesterday, Iidcan not concentrate to learn. When the teacher explains the lesson Iid just daydreaming.
Teacher        :”This time we will discuss about the quadratic equation.
                        (the square root of four plus square root of x is 16)
( )2à 2à à
(in the square brackets : dalamkurungpangkatdua ; 256/4 : 256 devided by 4)
Now we try another question..
Iid ....!!! Why are you daydreaming? You do not notice me explain the lesson, isn’t it?”
Iid                   :”Huh… I no..tice.. you miss..”
Teacher        :”Okay ... If you really pay attention to what mom described earlier, now you do about what lies ahead..!!!”
(Iidcan not do about it, because actually she was not listening)
Teacher        :”Why Iid ..?can’t you do it...?? Now you're standing outside the classroom until my class hours  done ...! "
                One month later the semester exams were held. The exam were carried for 2 weeks. And for 2 weeks, Karina was learning more diligent than usual. While Iid, she still learning but she can not leave her novel, she also went on the occasional essay story. Until raport decision came.
At home…
Mother        :”Karina..you become a star of class.. isn’t it..?”
Karina           :”Alhamdulillah mom..”
Mother        :”What about you Iid..?”
(iid gives her raport to her mother)
Mother        :”TEN… you always get ten rangkings”
Iid                   :”Last year I was able to rank ten mom…”
Mother        :"Yes .... But just the same. When you can be like your sister ..!?!? she has always been a star class ... "
Iid                   :”Mom always equate me with Karina ..!! why mom ...?!?! It's called not fair ..!”
Mother        :”Shut up Iid ..!! I’m sure it's all because you often read novels and never learning ..!!!”
Iid                   :”Why mom talk like that ...?? Mom ... although I can not leave reading the novel, but I know myself mom .. I'm still learning."
Mother        :”If you really learning. You can do it like your sister ..!!"
Iid                   :”Why mom think like that…??? I've tried as much as possible..!!”
Mother        :”Enough iid ...!! From now you should not read novels anymore especially collecting. Mom would burn all your novels ..!!!"
(mother go to the Iid’s room, and take all her novels)
Iid                   :”Mom... do not take my novel… (holding the mother’s hand)
Mother        :”Release my hand ...!! This novel just makes you lazy ..!"
Iid                   :”No mom… please… don’t take my novels… please…!!!”
Mother        :”Release my hand Iid..!!!”
Iid                   :”Argh… (Iid fell)
Karina           :”SistIid… Mom… please…. stop mom..!!! please stop it all..!! (hold the shoulder’s Iid) calm sist..”
Iid                   :”Evil mother….  selfish mother…. mom do not have feelings..!!! I hate you mom…!!!”
                IID out of the room and she ran out the door. Karina tried to calm the mother. But some minutes later, the sound of a very loud concussion across the street. Iid hit by a car, when she ran out of the house.
Neighbour  :”Mrs. iiz ...!! Mr. Fathony ...!!(knocked on the door loudly) your daughter's accident ... he was hit by a car ... come on…!!!
Karina           :”What..??? Where sist…??”
Neighbour  :”Outside miss ..quickly ..before too late”
Karina           :”SistIid… sistIid… mom…”
Mom             :”Iid..Iid… Let’s get out.. (rushes out of the house)
At the crash site ...
Mom           : "Iid .... Iid .... Wake up Iid ....Mom so sorry......
Karina          : "Calm mom .... We better take sistIid to the hospital immediately. "
                Iid was taken to the hospital by car that has been hit. And when in the hospital. Iid not aware, her condition is critical. 1 week had been passed but iid not yet aware too.
 At home ......
                Karina sad to see the state of her sister. She came into the Iid’s room. And she found a book that was on the desk. And it turns out the book was written by Iid about the journey of life. for 2 days Karina read the book. Karina felt humbled and proud when finished reading it.
Karina           :" This book is great. I never thought sistIid really want to be a famous writer. I need help to realize the dream of sistIid. "  
                Karina called her friend who became a publisher.
Karina           :"Hello ... I’m Karina. Afif.. Can we meet now..?Okey .... I was waiting in the usual place this afternoon. "
At ax.3  restaurantthat near the city library…..
Afif                 :"Hi Karina ..what’s up ..? "
Karina           :"Oh hi Afif... Can you help me..??"
Afif                 :"If I can do it ... Why not..?"
 Karina          :"Afif..so there is a very good book... This book is the writing that now my sister was in the hospital... if you do not mind..Can you publish this book..?"
(Afif observed the novel that given to him by karina)
Afif                 :"Okey ... but give me some time to read this book ..tomorrow I'll let you know again .. "
Karina           :"Okey... Thank you very much afif .."
The next day ....
Kring…Kring ....karina’s phone rang..
Karina           :"Afif ... (see her cellphone) Assalamu’alaikum ... (pick up the phone)
Afif                 :"Wa'alaikumsalam .."
Karina           :"What’s up fif..??"
Afif                 :"Good news rin ..book that you gave me, really good. Many people who love it. AndInsyaallah we are ready to publish."
Karina           :"Oh yeah ..? you're not kidding right..??"
Afif                 :"No ... I'm serious .."
Karina           :"Wow ...!! Thank you very much fif... I can’t say anything except tahnk you very much .. "
Afif                 :"Never mind… It’s my pleasure..”
Karina           :" Assalamu'alaium. "
Afif                 :"Wa'alaiumsalam."
                At the hospital Iid is still not aware. The doctor said there was a serious disturbance in the head. And that's what makes her not too aware. 3 times surgery is done, no avail. Until finally the doctor said that Iid’slife depends on the tools now. Mother, father and Karina is very sad. They're still hoping for a miracle on Iid.
One month later
Kring…Kring ....karina’s phone rang..
Karina           :”Afif…(see her cellphone) Assalamu’alaikum ... (pick up the phone)
Afif                 :”Wa’alaikumsalam..”
Karina           :”What’s up fif..??”
Afif                 :”Hi rin ..sorry if I should say this news by telephone. And sorry if I'm only able to deliver now. "
Karina           :”what really happenedfif..??”
Afif                 :”Do you know..where am I now..??”
Karina           :”I don’t know..??
Afif                 :”Now… I’m in Australia..”
Karina           :”oh ya..?? but.. what is the connection with me??”
Afif                 :” yesterday I came to my friend’s wedding invitation that is in Australia."
Karina           :”and then..??”
Afif                 :”then ..... I got the news, that book you gave a few weeks ago is in great demand by the public. 2 more days and the author will be invited to the award Jurnalistic International in Australia”
Karina           :”Haahh…??? Are you serious…???”
Afif                 :”Of course… I’m not layer..!!”
Karina           :”Yeeeeeeeeeeeee… thank you very much fif..”
Afif                 :”You’re welcome… by the way… How’s life you’r sister..??”
Karina           :”She is not yet aware..”
Afif                 :”Ouh… I’m sorry…. I don’t mean it..about that invite.. never mind..insyaallah I can manage it… give my regard to you’r father and you’r mother.. and I hope you’r sister get well soon…”
Karina           :”Yes… thank you…”
Afif                 :”Assalamu’alaikum…”
Karina           :”Wa’alaikumsalam..”
Karina went to her  father and mother were there in the Iid’s room ...
Karina           :"Father ... Mother .... Karina got good news ... "
Dad                :"What is that Karina?"
Karina           :"a  daughter who had mothers thought can notexcel.Finallyshe was able to be a pride child.. "
Mom             :"What do you mean Karina?"
Karina           :"sistIidmom ..the book that I told to you yesterday. It turned out in great demand by many people. The day after tomorrow the author will be rewarded Jurnalistic International in Australia. "
Mother        :"Really..?? (mother cry ... cry over yag pride for her son now lying on the mattress)
Dad approached and whispered sentences Iid... ...
Dad                :"I'm sure you can Iid .."
                Some minutes laterIid’s fingers and toes began to move. And finallyIid opened her eyes slowly.
Karina           :"SistIid .... sistIid .... you’re aware ... mom ... mom sistIid aware .... "
Mother        :"(mother stopped crying, and slowly approached Iid) I ... i ... d ... i .. i ..d .. You are aware of my daughter... "
IID                  :"m..o..m.. dad .. where is Iid..?? (stammering)? "
Father           :"Now..You are in hospital Iid. It's 45 days you not yet aware of the critical period. "
Mother        :"Please forgive mom iid… for all my mistakes ... that forbids you to collect or read a novel. Mom promised .. From now on you have the right to read or collecting novels as much as you like. "
IID                  :"No mom... Iid who should apologize to mom..Iidcan not be able to be your pride cild... "
Karina           :"No sist ... sistIid'vesuccessfully become our girl pride. The book has been written by sistIid, I send to the publisher and the result is a lot of public interest in that novel ..the day after tomorrow .. sistwill be invited to receive the award in Australia .. "
IID                  :"Reallyrin ...? Are you serious..??”
(Karina nodded, the  mother nodded, too., And the fatherrpeat that he said ...)
Dad                :"Congratulations Karina ..I'm sure you can Iid .. Congratulation for you’re success..!!!"




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Nama :syifaul mujahidah affandi
Kelas  :x.3

The Power Of Smile
Smile is more than an expression of pleasure and happy, and everyone must have smiled. Smile is so important, especially in our interaction with others. The following are the positive effects we can take from a smile:

The first
1.       Smile is worship

For a muslim charity smile is the chepest, but smile is worship. Muhammad has taught in a hadith that means : smiling when you meet your brother is worship (HR. Tirmidzidanbaihaki).

The second
2.       Smile can liquefy ambience

The third
3.       Smile can bring in costumers

The fourth
4.       Smiling is good for health of face

The fifth
5.       Smile can radiate positive aura

The sixth
6.       Smile can bring happiness

According to al-QorniDraidh in the book la- Tahzan “That smile is something beautiful, interesting, fun, and exciting.
So it would be nice if from now, we get used to spread smiles.