Jumat, 09 Oktober 2015


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Nama :syifaul mujahidah affandi
Kelas  :x.3

The Power Of Smile
Smile is more than an expression of pleasure and happy, and everyone must have smiled. Smile is so important, especially in our interaction with others. The following are the positive effects we can take from a smile:

The first
1.       Smile is worship

For a muslim charity smile is the chepest, but smile is worship. Muhammad has taught in a hadith that means : smiling when you meet your brother is worship (HR. Tirmidzidanbaihaki).

The second
2.       Smile can liquefy ambience

The third
3.       Smile can bring in costumers

The fourth
4.       Smiling is good for health of face

The fifth
5.       Smile can radiate positive aura

The sixth
6.       Smile can bring happiness

According to al-QorniDraidh in the book la- Tahzan “That smile is something beautiful, interesting, fun, and exciting.
So it would be nice if from now, we get used to spread smiles.

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